Testbericht This is an test to see if automatisch translation works.
Abdul Karim Yattara
Musician of Ngoni, original traditional Tuareg Music. Lives and works in Tounbouctou and Bamako.
initiators, Uncategorized
Christof Wackernagel
1951 Born in Ulm, Germany1962 – 1969 Classical high-school in Munich1967 – 1977 Actor; (main-)parts in several cinema-films and tv-productions1971
Article in UNESCO
(UH) Two hundred artists from all areas of art, half women, half men, from all five continents meet in Tripoli,
Essentials Medicine
ESSENTIALS MEDICINE General Essentials FAQ Essentials Schedule Essentials Medicine Essentials Water General outline The central task is to keep upright
Essentials Schedule
ESSENTIALS SCHEDULE General Essentials FAQ Essentials Schedule Essentials Medicine Essentials Water 23rd January 2001: Meeting with Lord Mayor of Bochum,