Essentials FAQ
Literally translated, the Arabic word Qafila-t-as-Salam [ká:fila] means “the Caravan”, as Salam means “peace” (t acts as a connecting consonant). Therefore, a possible translation would be Caravan of Peace, which, however, reflects the real meaning only to a certain extent. In all the four host countries, the word Salam as a greeting expresses welcome, friendship, open-heartedness, acceptance as well as the promise to have no hostile intentions. Therefore, one could say that another meaning is Welcome Caravan. The best will be to leave it as it is: the Caravan
In Africa, we find the origin of mankind. We are all Africans. We come from Africa, we go to Africa, Therefore Qafila-t-as-Salam is a project with and in Africa.
Qafila-t-as-Salam as Salam wants to focus the interest of the world on Africa.
that means at first:
black Africa.
If we got from west to east,
from Timbuktu to Kampala,
we meet a representative average of African people and
we come across all aspects of African reality:
the desert, the savanne, the rainforest
most aspects of African art.
.Everybody can take part as long as he wants or is able to. Taking into consideration that everybody will have the possibility of communication and exchange with people from all parts of the world, all religions, cultures, languages and media of art, one year is not a long time. Particularly, the slow speed in travelling, exchange and progression are major aspects in the philosophy of the Caravan.
Since the unique pieces of art, created within a completely new way of intercultural exchange and cooperation, will be presented at four festivals with worldwide broadcasting, it will make sense that the majority of the artists changes after each festival. As a highlight of their participation, artists of the previous passage demonstrate their art works at a festival. At the last festival in Campala, of course, all artists must come together once more to perform and represent the United World of Art.
They will get enough to make sure that their families and accommodations are taken care of during their absence, and to start or continue their when they return. All artists will sign buy-out contracts, i.e. the Qafila-t-as-Salam will hold all rights regarding the works of art created in the course of the caravan. Those products will be marketed or sold either based upon broadcasting rights or by sale via internet or galeries.
Parallel to the festivals, there will take place cultural events in the countries the artists come from, arranged by local cultural organizations. For example, the “Haus der Kulturen der Welt” in Berlin could organize a Tchad Weekend with presentations, films, exhibitions and readings.
One highlight will be the broadcasting of the Tibesti festival, where one can see how artists of the 21st century are doing cave drawings and paintings for the 31st century, or how an immense glass in the form of a drop – filled with Japanese springwater – that was carried on the back of a camel from Tripolis to Campala, is poured into Victoria Lake. Furthermore, broadcasting rights will be offered to TV stations all over the world. This is also intended for topical documentations about the Qafila-t-as-Salam.
By the media the artists work with, be it in writing, tone, (motion) pictures – separate or in groups – they will do their own documentation about their experiences with people, surroundings and, last not least, with themselves in the course of the caravan. The extraordinary field of activity will create extraordinary pieces of art which will document the project in great variety. And that is the meaning and sense of the whole project: to show the in-sight, the special experiences with this constellation: collectively created works of art, the possibility of spreading the idea of living with foreign people, cultures and languages, the possibility of giving this idea back, not as a religious dogma, as an ideological dictate or as political power, but in the form of art – touching any sphere of life.
The Caravan will exceed present dimensions of exchange and interaction. World music combines traditional Arabian music with elements of jazz and funk, traditional Indian music with rock or classics. That means that world music is still dominated by Western music. Within the Caravan, this kind of predestination will no longer exist. For example, Arab musicians together with their Indian collegues will find a completely new way of “letting 100 flowers flourish.”
No acquisition at all. The idea will be published and those who want to take part in any way are heartly welcome “As-salamu
alaykum.” Stars as well, of course. Most of the participating artists will be known or wellknown in their environment. For sure, international stars of the show business are not excluded from taking part, but there are plenty of welfare concerts: Within the Caravan, the intention is to create works of art through the merger of preferably contrary origin. That is what will make the Caravan a unique project. And that is what the public interest will concentrate upon.
250 million US dollars.
.Taking into consideration that the Caravan is a global effort of biblical dimensions, 250 million dollars are not much. Regarding the fact that it is possible that one company can deal with a loss of several billion US dollars a day caused by currency fluctuations, there must be numerous industrial companies that have the possibility to finance the Caravan.
The companies in question should consider it as an honour to make possible the realization of this project of mankind, this globalisation of art. For sure, they may take the advantage of advertising with this project, but their interest must be in the project itself. “A lot of money” depends on the perspective.
The gap between rich and poor is not only there when you are standing close to it. The question how one can eat while others are starving should also be asked when you are far away from those regions of misery. Among others, exactly this aspect should be attached great importance to in reports about the Caravan and the consum of art created in there. And by the way, we won’t have salmon and caviar. For sure, we will take with us enough food and medicine to help in cases of emergency, but the Caravan is no welfare organisation. The Caravan is the disproof of the “Clash of Civilisations”, but it will not abolish hunger in the world.
First of all, jobs, relationships – and hopefully partnerships and new perspectives – will result from the fact that we will work closely together with the people of the regions we pass. Second, reports about Africa in general, and our host countries in detail, will not be determined by catastrophies and misery, but by the people who live there, their culture and their way of life. What the Caravan is about is a new awareness and perception aiming at a new attitude towards Africa, and not a promise of material support.
Therefore, the word “Salam”. This civil war – though extremely cruel and brutal – has been systematically ignored in the Western world. The conflict is resulting from the conflict between islam, Christian religion and animism, thus reflecting that its origin is rooted in the contrast between the Northern and the Western hemisphere. Our suggestion would be armitrice upon arrival of the caravan, lasting at least for the time it passes through Sudan, accompanied by international press and broadcasting. During this period of time, negotiations could take place: in sha allah. The Caravan regards this as the most important aspect of being part of the UN year “Dialogue among the Civilizations – 2001”.
Creating works of art, the Caravan cannot be regarded as a political movement. Politics, religion, ideology are every participant’s private affair.
How can you dare to proclaim that artists could solve the problems of the world?
Wait a minute – no one says “solve”, and no one says “world”. That is what politicians, religions, ideologies, reformers of any kind are trying. And exactly at the point where they start to make their intentions real, they are beginning to destroy the best ideas by trying to take influence.
The artist, however, does not offer solutions, answers or perspectives – yet he simply does not even ask if his collegue at the drums is Jewish, even if he himself is Palestinian. As a matter of fact, art is the only way of expression which is common to all human beings, touching everyone in a non-differentiating way, thus allowing people to adapt it, to take part without losing their identity or giving up parts of themselves. This is the chance of the Caravan: to open ways of communication that have been regarded as closed up to now.
Presently, most people, especially children, are dying from dirty water. Any income of the Caravan will go to the UNICEF Drinking-Water Fund. The more money we collect, the more can be invested in projects exceeding the present practice of building wells. For example, one could think about building a water research institute where medical men work together with computer experts. One could try to find an answer to the question how much money it would take to grant that all people have clean drinking-water, if this question can be answered at all. People die, when they have not had something to eat for 50 to 70 days. Having no water, people die after 5 to 7 days.
The human right number one is clean drinking-water.